1. A Couple Personal Projects: NerdlyNews and PageLoadStats

    I have worked on several web based projects. I recently created NerdlyNews, which uses Bayesian logic to grab interesting news from sites that I really like. I’m using a wordpress front-end for that one, and the JetPack extension so I can have the output of the Bayesian algorithm posted …

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  2. A Bit of Modular Web Design in Django

    I found myself creating a web page intended to display a set of data objects, each object similar in format. A pretty common need. The simple thing to do would be to simply iterate over the list of data in the django template, for example:

    {% for o in some_list %}
        <div …
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  3. My New Site

    Sadly, for me at least, the data for my site was lost. Multiple copies, all useless bits. So I’ve set up a new WordPress site. Never again will I try Drupal, thank you very much. It was too complicated, required maintenance, and seems to have eaten my data. That …

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  4. about_me

    I am Robert Arles, a developer and problem solver.

    I am a senior test developer. My development and systems operations experience is fairly broad. I am the author of Betwittered (now long defunct due to Twitters shift away from it’s developer community). I’ve done development in Python, Java …

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