Here’s a bit of code from a post that was lost when my old site went down, data and all. I don’t recall if the original post was this python version or my original Java version (sorry if that’s what you’re here for, ask in comments and I can find and post that too) It’s an implementation of an ‘assert’ statement that allows for the test to continue on failure, storing the error. At any point I want the test to actually throw an exception, print a report and halt, I just ‘tester.assert_errors()’

    # overly simple example.
    tester = Tester()
    # test something, and store the result to be seen and actually asserted later
    tester.assert_true(some_result_boolean, '[FAIL] Aw, shoot. Test failed while checking for some_result')
    # some more logic here
    # Now print an error report of what has failed so far, and if there are failures, throw an exception

Here’s the tester class (with a missing send_email implementation)

    from testutils.testutil import send_email

    class Tester():
        A test helper that collects errors, prints reports, etc.

        def __init__(self):
            setup some instance vars
            self.errors = []
            self.is_error_free = True
            self.test_count = 0

        def assert_true(self, test_result, fail_message):
            Add failures to an error stack
            self.test_count += 1
            if not test_result:
                self.is_error_free = False

                print fail_message

        def print_report(self):
            Print the status of the error stack
            if self.is_error_free is True:
                print "[PASS] ** TESTER Test count (" + str(self.test_count) + ") PASS"
                error_printed_count = 0
                print "[FAIL] ** TESTER Failed Assertions Report - failures/total (" + str(len(self.errors)) + "/" + str(self.test_count) + ")"
                for error in self.errors:
                    error_printed_count += 1
                    print "\t" + str(error_printed_count) + ") " + str(error)
                print "[FAIL] ** TESTER report end."

        def send_email_on_failure(self, email_address_list):
            email_address_list: a list of email addresses to be sent a failure report

            if self.is_error_free:
                return False
                error_count = 0
                error_report = "[FAIL] ** TESTER Failed Assertions Report - failures/total (" + str(len(self.errors)) + "/" + str(self.test_count) + ")"
                for error in self.errors:
                    error_count += 1
                    error_report += "\t" + str(error_count) + ") " + str(error)
                error_report += "[FAIL] ** TESTER report end."
                print '[INFO] SENDING FAILURE EMAIL REPORT'
                return send_email(email_address_list, error_report)

        def assert_errors(self):
            Asserts that the errors stack is empty and prints a report
            assert self.is_error_free

        def cleanup(self):
            reset the tester object
            self.errors = []
            self.test_count = 0
            self.is_error_free = True